GNC Pro Performance Weight Gainer 3kg

GNC Pro Performance Weight Gainer 3kg

GNC Pro Performance Weight Gainer 3kg

GNC Pro Performance Weight Gainer 3kg: Reports suggest that children below 18 should avoid Creatine Supplements. Casein and whey protein. Excess protein intake can lead to adverse health effects, especially in young people. Also, people with a dairy allergy or lactose Intolerance must avoid taking mass gainers with casein and whey protein.

This Actually Works! I've tried plenty of weight-gain protein powders in the past and found them all to be a waste of money because I never seemed to gain a single pound no matter how consistent I was. I decided to test my luck and give this a try and am surprisingly shocked at the results.

  • The Carbs to Protein ratio in mass gainers is generally 3:1 to provide a perfectly Balanced Nutritional support.
  • Proteins, especially Whey, promote Glutathione production, which is crucial in our cells’ defence system.
  • Hence, they play a key role in Boosting our immune system



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